Today’s feast tells us that holiness is our goal in life. When St. Ignatius chose to describe the purpose of The Jesuit Order he used these words: “The end of the society is to devote itself with God’s grace not only to the salvation and perfection of the members’ own souls, but also with the same grace to labor strenuously in giving aid toward the salvation and perfection of the souls of their fellowmen.”

The Jesuits who achieved heaven prove that holiness is within reach and that St. Ignatius did not ask his men to aspire something impossible. During the months he spent on the banks of the Cardoner in Manresa, St. Ignatius experienced God’s extraordinary graces and came to see how the Spiritual Exercises, which he was writing, could be a valid way of achieving holiness.
Individuals do not become holy on their own; God is the source of all holiness. As we praise our Jesuits in heaven today we likewise praise God for all He has done in and through His saints. If the saints achieved anything during their lifetime, it was God who accomplished it. To be holy one must first be humble.
The humility St. Ignatius asks of his followers is the humility that Christ possessed and which the Saints and Blessed of the Society eminently manifested in their lives.
It is sometimes suggested that the saints are really inimitable; for who of us can imitate the courage of Blessed Miguel Pro or the extraordinary patience of St. Alfonso Rodriquez? Perhaps we seek to imitate the wrong things! We can indeed imitate the saints in their humility, seeking to be clothed with the clothing and uniform of Our Lord and to be created as fools as He had been treated. Once we achieve humility, God will then take over and grant courage to his martyrs and patience to his confessors.
Therefore, today’s feast is a feast to encourage all of us who are still working our way to salvation. Holiness is possible to us; and since our Saints and Blessed are in the presence of The Blessed Trinity, these brothers of ours become our intercessors asking God for the graces, strength, and perseverance we need to fulfill our vocation.
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